Frédéric Acquaviva
Tomomi Adachi
Bernard Heidsieck
Katherine Liberovskaya
Loré Lixenberg
Jacques Lizène
Alvin Lucier
Alex Mincek
Phill Niblock

CRU is the annual magazine that documents what ’s happening or what could have happened a LA PLAQUE TOURNANTE
“1.1. DJ VERBOTEN” (Aug 6th - Oct 8th, 2014) and
“1.2. BERNARD HEIDSIECK, COMME CHAQUE MATIN” (Nov 12th, 2014 - Jan 20th, 2015)

CRU is :
- a physical magazine with 1CD, 1DVD, 1 Après-Propos, 2 playlists of exhibited material, 2 postcards, 2 aches and 2 catalogues into the form of posters
- and a website : cru-web.org, with access through a code only given to those who have bought the magazine, once they ’ve sent by email their
photo with CRU in hands at info@laplaquetournante.org

CD :
1. PHILL NIBLOCK, V & LSG H (21’33”), 2015, per formed by Loré Lixenberg (voice) and Guy de Bièvre (lap steel guitar), Published by Touch Music [MCPS]
2. FREDERIC ACQUAVIVA, Loré Ipsum (27’10”), 2011-2012, per formed by L. Lixenberg (voices) and F. Acquaviva (dead elec tronics),
La Plaque Tournante, Berlin, August 6th, 2014

1. BERNARD HEIDSIECK, Vaduz (11’36”), 1974, from Frédéric Acquaviva’s video Vaduzs in Tout autour de Bernard Heidsieck (119’), 2002-2013
2. KATHERINE LIBEROVSKAYA, Tilting at Windmills a.k.a aqualib spin (8’35”), 2015, sound collage by Phill Niblock
3. TOMOMI ADACHI, Girl Spinning Nex t Door (6’30’’), 2014, per formed by Tomomi Adachi, La Plaque Tournante, Berlin, November 12th, 2014, camera F. Acquaviva
4. LORE LIXENBERG, Bird (10’43”), 2011, per formed by Loré Lixenberg, La Plaque Tournante, Berlin, August 6th, 2014, camera Hélène Guéna
5. ALVIN LUCIER, Silver Streetcar For Orchestra (9’44”),1988, per formed by Ian Antonio, La Plaque Tournante, Berlin, Oc tober 27th, 2014, camera F. Acquaviva
6. ALEX MINCEK, Nucleus (6’17”), 2007, per formed by Ian Antonio and Alex Mincek, La Plaque Tournante, Berlin, Oc tober 27th, 2014, camera F. Acquaviva
7. JACQUES LIZENE, Téléprésence (13’30”), 2014, per formed at Galerie Nadja Vilenne, Liège and La Plaque Tournante, Berlin, November 12th, 2014, camera : Broutin

Published in Berlin, May 2015, at 500 copies including 20 deluxe + 10 A.P signed copies by the ar tists, with 2 sound ar tworks : Bird (transformation sec tion) byLoré Lixenbergand Suppositor y Music (music to be administrated by anal means) by Frédéric Acquaviva
Publication Directors : Frédéric Acquaviva, Loré Lixenberg
Graphic Design : Nenad Boharevic
ß@£ / La Plaque Tournante, Sonnenallee 99 – 12045 Berlin
… si vous n’êtes pas à la La Plaque Tournante, vous êtes à côté de la plaque…

Special thanks to no one. Free from any kind of fundings.
Dedicated to Bernard Heidsieck (Nov 30th, 1928 – Nov 22nd, 2014)